★ "You don't need beautiful people to take beautiful pictures" ★

"Life's too short to be someone else, so just be yourself"
I wanna travel the world.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

hey sweethearts ! guess what ? I'm off today man. I haven't sleep yet at the moment. Gonna head to bed for like an hour or two, than heading to town area to shopping !! Cant wait for the chinese new year to arrive and plus the navy to come so i could earn more cash on hand and get to my career as soon as possible. Time flies really fast . Gonna make use all my time properly. Oh wells , I'm gonna keep my blog here alive , but do check out my tumblr too . I’ve done everything I said I wouldn’t do this year. I’ve been worrying, over thinking and just being generally paranoid about this one thing. I wish it would leave my mind. :( It’s easy for you to switch off like that but I’m still struggling. It’s my birthday month this January. I'm January babies. It won’t be as good as last month but I’ll just be glad for a day when everyone aren’t blaming all their problems on me.

I really need to fix my sleeping. I’m going to stay up tonight and tomorrow and then just sleep for about a year. Maybe not quite but I just want to sleep properly. Today was a bit of a fail of a day. :(

As i promise try not to have negative posts on my facebook status as well as blog here and be more happy. I'm trying. Give me some times baby. I'm just being random anyway. Capricorn peoples always moody. pardon me  :)

Wells , I miss you doesn't always mean I want you back, sometimes it only means you crossed my mind and I hope you're doing fine.

Till than . toodles .

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